Advent is celebrated in German speaking Countries as in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. The Advent (derived from the Latin word “arrival”) of the Christkind (Christ child) is celebrated in this special time before Christmas. The Advent season starts with the first of Advent which is four Sundays before Christmas Eve. The first Advent Sunday this year is November 27, 2022. In the German tradition, many families have an Adventskranz (Advent wreath) with evergreen branches and four candles to light one candle each Advent Sunday until all four candles are lit.
This season is also often celebrated with an Adventskalender (Advent calendar) which has 24 doors – one to open every day, starting December 1 and the largest December 24. It is an enjoyable and exciting tradition for children when they can count down the days to Christmas Eve and make this time even more special. The Adventskalender traditionally has either different pictures behind each door, little chocolates or sweets or nowadays even little toys. Wishing you and your families a happy and peaceful Adventszeit. 😊