Germans can’t wait to watch Dinner for One on December 31. The 18-minute cuIt film from 1963 is a favorite beginning for New Year’s Eve in Germany, where it is broadcast on several TV channels that day. The catch phrase “The same procedure as last year, Miss Sophie? – The […]
GIS German Language Classes for Children and Teenagers
Classes for children and teenagers are open for registration. Hurry – Early Registration (you get a discount) ends on Sunday, December 12, 2021. We welcome all children and teenagers from the age of 5 to 16 years old interested in learning and exploring the language and culture of German-speaking countries. […]
Summer Movie: Der Ganz Grosse Traum – “Lessons of a Dream”
Join us for a great movie – Der Ganz Grosse Traum (“Lessons of a Dream”) on Thursday, August 11, 2016, at 6:30 the American Red Cross building (details below). We think of soccer as a game that has been around forever, at least as a street game in Europe […]
Wim Wenders: “Portraits Along the Road” at the MFAH
Our friends at the Museum of Fine Arts would like to invite you to the screening of Wim Wenders’ “road trilogy,” or more formally, “Wim Wenders: Portraits Along the Road.” This international celebration of German filmmaker Wim Wenders, features new digital restorations. First earning an international reputation as a cofounder […]