United Airlines has asked us to bring the following job opportunities to your attention. Ready to see the world and get paid for it? United is seeking candidates (including individuals who are fluent in German, Dutch, Hebrew, Mandarin, French, Cantonese, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese and Korean) to apply and start a […]
GIS Presents: “Fairy Tale Adventures in German” for the Children in The Woodlands
German Institute for the Southwest – in The Woodlands Bringing All Things German to the U.S. Southwest WHAT: German Language Summer Program for Children: “ Fairy Tale Adventures in German “ WHEN: Juli: 9, 16, 23, 30, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. WHO: […]
GIS Presents: ” Märchen Abenteuer auf Deutsch ” für Kinder in The Woodlands
German Institute for the Southwest – in The Woodlands Bringing All Things German to the U.S. Southwest WAS: Deutschsprachiges Kinder Sommerprogramm: “ Märchen Abenteuer auf Deutsch “ WANN: Juli: 9, 16, 23, 30 von 9-12.30 Uhr WER: Kinder von 6 bis 14 Jahre WO: […]
European Chambers of Commerce Celebrate “Europe Day” in Houston
You are cordially invited to a reception celebrating Europe Day on Thursday, May 12, 2016, at 6:00 p.m., in the Legacy Room at City Hall, 901 Bagby, Houston, TX 77002. Europe Day celebrates continuous peace and unity in the European Union. This celebration will bring together a mix of the […]
Texas Gulf Coast Flood Response Information from the American Red Cross
The American Red Cross – Greater Houston Chapter has been our home for our German language classes since we began in January. They have been of invaluable help to us, and now they help a region in need. The American Red Cross Texas Gulf Coast Region, is headquartered at the […]
The Greater Houston Area Red Cross Needs your Donation for Disaster Relief
The American Red Cross – Greater Houston Chapter has been our home for our German language classes since we began in January. They have been of invaluable help to us, and now they need help for their disaster relief. The American Red Cross Texas Gulf Coast Region, is headquartered at […]
German Consul General Ricarda Redeker Makes Houston Rodeo History
German Consul General Ricarda Redeker made history at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo last Saturday (March 5, 2016), when she rode in the Grand Entry of RodeoHouston on International Day. This is a first in the history of the rodeo and in the history of the German Consulate General […]
International Days at the 2016 Houston Rodeo
No matter if you’ve just arrived, have been here for a long while, or were born here, you have to know about the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo, a tradition since 1931. Last year 2.5 million visitors attended the events and activities over a three-week period. But it’s not all […]
I am a volunteer for the Carnival Ticket Sales Committee representing the Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo. Through the sales of HALF PRICE carnival packs and admission tickets and the solicitation of donations, our dedicated volunteers raised more than $7.8 million last year alone to help support the Show’s mission […]